Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cute - Not Cute

When your first child starts to pull himself up - LOOK HOW BIG HE IS GETTING!??!

Not Cute
When your third child starts to pull himself up. Great, now he's gonna get into even more things!

When your first child gets a new tooth even if he is a little crabby.

Not Cute
When your third child is being a total whine-ass over a little tooth. You are gonna get 20 of 'em, get over it!

When your first child cries when you leave the room. "Mama will be right back baby!"

Not Cute
When your third child cries when you leave the room. "Seriously?!? I have crap to do - stuff it already!"

When your first child starts to eat table food. Sure it's a mess, but look how great he is doing?

Not Cute
When your third child starts to eath table food and throws it all over and makes a HUGE mess... Why can't he just drink bottles!?!?!

Ok - so it may not be fair, but it's reality.



Melissa said...

awww poor baby!

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should be calling CPS right about now?? Just kidding, you are a great Mom.

Amanda said...

lol CALL THEM! But make sure you call them on a Friday so they can take the kids away for the weekend to "review" the case... I need a few days off!!! ;)