Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Movies - 27 Dresses, Juno & Mad Money

27 Dresses
CUTE MOVIE! I was really looking forward to this movie because I had heard great things about it and it lived up to its reputation. I loved how she narrated at the beginning and the end of it to draw it all together. I will admit though, as much as a like Katherine Heigl on Grey's Anatomy - her recent behavior in the media makes me dislike her a little.

GREATEST MOVIE! I loved her attitude on life! She said outloud what most of us think about saying.

Mad Money
Eh, it was OK. katie Holmes was a little over the top for me... Also, they shredded all that money... It was heart breakin!


Melissa said...

I liked 27 dresses too. I also think Heigl has been sort of an ass hat lately.

Juno-that was a great movie! I loved it.

Anonymous said...

I was a little disappointed in 27 Dresses. But I think it has to do with Katherine Heigl. She's been an annoying little bitch lately.

Juno...my fave! I loved this movie and I think I've seen it 10 times or so...GREAT!!!