Not much going on here. I had a job interview on Thursday and did NOT get the job. BOO! But the principal was very nice when he called and I think that if another position opened I would be top choice :) For now I am going to sub and be happy about it! ;) Besides - subbing will be flexible and that works for me. I won't even know what to do with myself with Hunter and Dane gone ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day long! (YAHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Hunter will go to Kindercamp next week Mon - Wed from 8:30-11:30. The schools do that so that they get acclimated to the school,teacher, kids before the actually school year starts. I think it's a great idea. Dane is super stoked about going to school this year. He is so mad though b/c kindergarten starts on the 7th and preschool doesn't start until the 17th and he doesn't think that is fair! So it looks like I will be dealing with a crotchety boy for a few weeks until he can go too. I just ordered Dane a Buzz Lightyear backpack and matching lunch box - he's so excited it's adorable.
The baby is getting so vocal! He now can say: mama, dada, baba, "moooo", "quack quack" and of course AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! The last one is his favorite - he likes to scream! He is super mischevious though... lots of fun times ahead me thinks.
OH - I have to tell you something SO freaking exciting that happened yesterday! Highlight of my week! Jamie took Hunter and Dane to see Harry Potter at the movies and the baby took a 3 1/2 hour nap. I HAD 3 1/2 HOURS OF QUIET BLISS! That may seem lame to some of you - but if you NEVER EVER get a break from your kids, you understand. I love my boys - but sometimes mama needs a break. So THANK YOU JAMIE! :) You are the best!
Well - that is all for now - off to read this book called Water For Elephants for the local bookclub. It's actually a pretty good book!
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